I have spent the last three days training MYSELF for online improvement and web site visibility, since I am participating in the famous THIRTY DAY CHALLENGEplus getting packed up and ready to roll for a three day search and rescue training weekend with the dogs. I can't wait! We always have such good times at night, even though it is going to be hot! During the day we will work in and around the water, doing water cadaver searching, and at night we will be doing night searches. The dogs have been getting more and more excited as they have been watching me pack and they know I hardly ever go anywhere without them, so I think they suspect they will be going along! I am also looking forward to seeing some of the folks that I haven't seen for quite awhile....
Meanwhile I am spending a bit of time each day listening to the podcasts from
the great folks who are putting on this tremendous thirty day challenge, a great opportunity for learning about the web and especially for a "newbie" like me! and to think that it is all free!