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A "dog blog" about all breeds and issues of importance to people who value the dogs in their lives, with a special emphasis on Search and Rescue dogs, in particular the training of my Newfoundland Dogs

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Dog Training Made EASY

Here is just one example of some of the GOOD INFORMATION found on the website:
"To keep your dog from charging the front door each time it opens, try putting up a door or gate that he can't see through or hop over. Have him wait until people enter and come up the stairs. Then give him a treat for waiting." (from an article by Amy Howells)

To add to this :

This "gate system" can also be used to teach the dog not to jump up. What I do is have the dog wait on one side of the gate. The minute he jumps and puts his feet on the gate I loudly use the "no" term:"unh unh!!" in a disapproving tone. The second the dog puts his feet back on the floor, he gets a treat. It is no time at all to teach him that jumpiing is a "no no"

Thje information on dog training and lots of good stuff on dogs can be found on the website "Dog Information" by clicking on the HEADLINE.

thanks for visiting the Dog blog!